Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tipping When Dining Out

Whether you're dining in style at a five-star restaurant or grabbing a burger at a local eatery, tipping will be part of your dining experience.  For the restaurant staff, your tip is a direct and vital report card for their overall level of service.  But how much should you tip, when and to whom? 

Server - 15% - 20%
The server's basic duties include answering questions about the menu; taking your order; delivering your food and drink properly; and bringing necessities such as condiments, napkins, and an extra plate to the table in a courteous manner.  Your server should check back to see if everything is all right or if you need anything else and should present the bill in a timely fashion at the end of your meal.  The server should never disappear for long; he or she should stay nearby in case you need another drink or the check.  If these services are performed well, a tip of no less than 15% is justified.  Always tip your server at the end of the meal when you are paying the bill.  Tip on the total amount before tax.  When paying cash, take the tip from the change you receive  and leave it on the table.  If you feel you have received exceptional service, it's nice to hand the tip to your server directly and say thank you.  When paying by credit card, fill in the tip amount on the credit slip and leave it on the table.  If you have a server who provides you with especially attentive or helpful service such as assisting with elderly guests, accommodating special food requests, or helping you get your children seated and settled in, tip him or her extra.

Certain situations call for extra tipping.  A server or host who anticipates your needs or spends extra time assisting someone at your table, perhaps helping your elderly aunt with her coat, or bringing your kids crayons or toys, deserves added recognition from you.  And remember, an extra tip doesn't always have to be paid in cash.  Notes, cards, and letters to the management are appreciated.

Other tipping:
Bartender:  15-20% or $1 per drink
Bus Person:  no tip
Sommelier:  20%
Counter Person:  15-20%Coat-Check & Washroom Attendant:  no tip
Host/Maitre D':  no tip
Parking Valet:  $2

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